Monday, September 10, 2007

Does this look like the face of......

a boy who has strep throat??

The timing couldn't have been worse. Gabe came down with strep throat on Friday afternoon, less than a day from his 4th Birthday party! What a huge bummer! We had to cancel his party and reschedule it until later in the month.

Luckily, my parents, sister, brother, sister-in-law, nephews, aunt & grandma were still able to make the trip from various locations to come and help Gabe celebrate on a much smaller scale.

Gabe's actualy birthday is today, I can't believe that he is already 4 years old! I can still remember very clearly where I was at and what I was doing this time 4 years ago. Gabe was born very quickly and I guess that was a sign of his personality as he is always on the go and doesn't like to sit still.

We are very blessed to have such a wonderful boy in our life!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Labor Day Weekend

Here are some pictures from the weekend.

We had a nice, relaxing weekend! We spent some time with our neighbors & friends, went to the State Fair and just tried to enjoy as much time as we could outside. I guess "reality" will set in tomorrow when it is back to work.

Last week my hotel was sold and the hotel now has new owners and managers. This is a huge bummer for me as much of the reason I took this position a year and a half ago was because of my manager (now former). So, we will see what this week brings, I'm sure there will be some changes, hopefully one of them is not eliminating my job! Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Gabe is starting his 2nd year at preschool in Lonsdale on Wednesday. He will be going M-W-F in the mornings, he is very excited and I'm anxious for him to get into a routine again. We are getting ready for his birthday party on September 8th, I can't believe he's going to be 4 years old already!

Ethan's favorite word this past weekend was "NO" - seems he now really understands what it means and uses it all the time!

All in all, we had a nice weekend and I am sad to see the "unoffical" end of summer. I can't say the same for Conrad because he really enjoys the winter!